ICARAI 25: International Conference Automatics, Robotics & Artificial Intelligence' 25 Educational and Sport Rehabilitation Centre "Lazur", 7 Lazuren Briag str. Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 13-15, 2025 |
Conference website | https://icarai.tu-sofia.bg/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icarai25 |
The ICARAI 2025 organizing comettee invited you to submit high-quality papers in the area of the conference topics. A full paper presenting original work not previously published should be submitted through Conference Management System. All the papers undergo single blinded peer review by two reviewers.
Accepted and presented papers will have opportunity to published in IEEE Xplore and possible indexing in SCOPUS. The papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, provided they meet the scope and quality requirements set by IEEE Xplore; The papers have to be written in English and comply with the requirements of the IEEE formatting rules and publication ethics.
Authors of the selected papers will be invited to submit an extended versions of their papers for possible publication in the special issues of MDPI journal (indexed in Web of Science).
The working language is English.
The Organizing committee allows the participation of the authors and attendees whose presence in Sozopol could be hindered via reliable web-based platform.
Submission Guidelines
Important Dates
- Registration Opened February 15, 2025
- Abstract Submission April 15, 2025
- Final Paper Submission May 15, 2025
- Notification of Acceptance June 1, 2025
Working language of the ICARAI 2025
The working language of the Conference is English.
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Electronic form template for articles with Paper Preparation Instructions
Registration and submission reports for ICARAI 2025
- The reports shall be submitted in English. Papers not less than four pages and not over six pages must be uploaded in EasyChair System.
- The full report, prepared for publication, should be uploaded according to the instructions for authors till 15.05.2025.
- All reports will be reviewed in accordance with the procedure and criteria set out (adopted by IEEE). Notification of acceptance for publication papers will be sent to the authors till 01.06.2025.
- Upon receipt the acceptance message the authors have the opportunity to reflect the reviewer's notes. The final paper submition in docx. format 05.06.2025.
- Only reports presented on the ICARAI 2025 with paid registration fee will be published. Information about the registration fees can be found on https://icarai.tu-sofia.bg/?p=fees
List of Topics
Application of Artificial Intelligence - Neural network, Deep learning, Data mining, Image processing, computer vision and applications, Knowledge engineering, Intelligent multi-agent system, Fuzzy logic
Bioelectrical Engineering - Biotechnology, Biomaterials and biomedical devices, Modern aspects and applications of biosensors systems, Bioelectronics, Bioinformatics, Genetic algorithms
Control System Engineering - Linear and non-linear control, Adaptive and predictive control, Optimisation process, Robust control, Complex systems, Intelligent control systems
Electrical Drives and Machine Automation - Special electrical drives, Control of AC and DC electrical drives, Modelling and simulation process, Control and applications of SRM drives, Multi-motor electrical drives
Industrial Engineering and Automation - Information technology in automatics, Real-time systems, Automated manufactured systems and applications, Cyber-Physical systems in automatics
Information Measurements Technology - General aspects of measurements, Sensors and Actuators, Measurements systems and technology, Modelling and simulation, Industrial measurements, Virtual measurements
Robotics Systems - Human-robot interaction, Robot design and development, Modelling and simulation, Health-care and medical applications, Service robotics, Humanoid robots
Theoretical Electrical Engineering - Fundamental aspects of electromagnetic fields, Linear and non-linear circuits and application, Signal processing, Advanced signal processing algorithms
International Program Committee
- Tsonyo Slavov - Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Members of PC
- Kiril Alexiev - Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria
- Plamen Angelov - Lancaster University United Kingdom
- Pierre Borne - Ecole Centrale de Lille, France
- Nikola Chalashkanov - University of Lincoln, UK
- Todor Ganchev - Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria
- Alexander Gegov - University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
- Petia Georgieva - University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Tadeusz Kaczorek - Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
- Nikola Kasabov - Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
- Petya Koprinkova - Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria
- Stefan Kozak - Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
- Alena Kozakova - Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
- Valeri Mladenov - Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- Nina Nikolova - Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- Emil Nikolov - Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- Nikos Mastorakis - Hellenic Naval Academy, Greece
- Utkal Mehta - University of South Pacific, Fiji
- Lyudmila Mihaylova - University of Sheffield, UK
- Maria Isabella Garcia Planas - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
- Aleksander Ishtev - Technical university of Sofia, Bulgaria
- Georgi Milushev - Technical university of Sofia, Bulgaria
- Kamen Perev - Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- Aleksandar Efremov - Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- Petko Petkov - Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria
- Danica Rosinova - Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
- Nikolay Stoyanov - Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- George Vachtsevanos - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
National Organizing Committee
Co Chairs
- Nikolay Stoyanov - Technical University of Sofia
- Vladimir Hristov - Technical University of Sofia
Members of OC
- Nikolina Petkova - Technical University of Sofia
- Antonia Pandelova - Technical University of Sofia
- Bozhidar Dzhudzhev - Technical University of Sofia
- Aleksandar Ishtev - Technical University of Sofia
- Boris Kirov - Tecnical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- Alexander Marinchev - Technical University of Sofia
- Bozhidar Rakov - Technical University of Sofia
- Maya Stoycheva - Technical University of Sofia
- Sonya Asenova - Technical University of Sofia
All questions about the submissions should be emailed to
Contact Person:
Assot. Prof. Nikolay Stoyanov, PhD е-mail: n_stoyanov@tu-sofia.bg mobile: +359 882 253330