ICPP-EMS 2023: The 2023 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems Cleone Peterson Eccles Alumni House Salt Lake City, UT, United States, August 7-10, 2023 |
Conference website | https://sites.google.com/view/icpp-ems-2023 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icppems2023 |
Submission deadline | May 15, 2023 |
Embedded systems with multicore designs are of major focuses from both industry and academia. While embedded multicore systems will look to play an important role ahead for system designs, many challenging issues remain. Applications, programming models, architecture designs, emerging memory architectures, and software tools all need to help for the advance of embedded multicore computing ahead.
The 2023 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems (ICPP-EMS 2023) will bring researchers and experts together to present and discuss the latest developments and technical solutions concerning various aspects of embedded multicore computing.
ICPP-EMS 2023 seeks original unpublished papers focusing on emerging applications, embedded compilers, embedded memory and architecture design, DSP/GPU systems, ESLs, embedded multicore programming models, and WCET analysis. Moreover, ICPP-EMS 2023 also welcomes work-in-progress, case studies, visionary idea, new application challenges, and industrial practice studies.
ICPP-EMS 2023 is organized in conjunction with The 52th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2023), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA during August 7-10, 2023.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Original papers from the aforementioned and related topics will be considered. Please submit regular full papers (limit to 8 pages) including all figures, tables, and references. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format together with a short abstract (approximately 150 words) using the EasyChair Submission system, following the link:
Submitted papers must not have appeared in or be under review/consideration for another workshop, conference or a journal during the review process. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Authors are requested to follow the standard format as ICPP main conference. Please visit the following URL for additional information:
List of Topics
Topics of interest are in all areas of (or related to) embedded multicore systems, including, but not limited to
- Architectures for embedded multicore systems
- Design for emerging embedded memory systems
- Compilers for DSP processors
- Embedded multicore processors
- Special instructions for architectures to support post processing and pre-processing models
- Compilers for heterogeneous embedded multicore systems.
- AI compilers for DSP architectures
- Compiler Optimizations with SPIR-V
- TVM and MLIR Optimizations
- OpenVX Optimizations
- Low-power numeric supports with DSP systems for AI applications
- Partitioning and scheduling with AI compilers for AI models
- Auto-Tuning for AI compiler Optimizations
- Programming models for embedded multicore systems
- Signal processing on embedded multicore systems
- Multimedia signal processing algorithms on embedded multicore systems
- Multimedia applications on embedded multicore systems
- Machine learning on embedded multicore systems
- Human-computer interaction on multicore systems
- Augmented reality applications on multicore systems
- Software for multicore, GPU, and embedded architectures
- VM for embedded systems
- 3D IC and multicore architectures
- Real-time system designs for embedded multicore environments
- Compiler for low-power
- ESL designs for embedded multicore systems
- Applications for Automobile electronics of multicore designs
- Embedded OS designs and performance tuning tools
- Hardware/software co-design framework
- Embedded devices + cloud computing framework
- Compiler for worst-case execution time analysis
- Formal method for embedded systems
- Numerical libraries and architecture supports for machine learning
- Processing in memory / computing-in-memory architecture designs for AI models
- Architecture-aware software designs for AI models
- Embedded memory management for AI models
Submission due date: May 15, 2023
Notification date: June 18, 2023
Camera Ready due date: TBA
Author registration due date: TBA
EMS Workshop date: August 7, 2023 (TBA)
ICPP Conference dates: August 7-10, 2023
General Chairs
- Jenq Kuen Lee, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
- Peng-Sheng Chen, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan
Program Chairs
- Yung-Chia Lin, MediaTek, Boston, USA
- Yi-Ping You, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan