![]() | ISTTE2025: 44th Annual ISTTE Conference Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom Edinburgh, UK, October 22-24, 2025 |
Conference website | https://istte.org/conference/44th-annual-conference/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=istte2025 |
Submission deadline | May 2, 2025 |
Categories of your submission: Full Paper | 1. Full paper |
Categories of your submission: Working paper/Poster | 2. Working paper/ Poster |
Categories of your submission: Workshop/ Teaching case study | 3. Workshop/ Teaching case study |
Categories of your submission: Pecha Kucha | 4. Pecha Kucha |
Conference Theme: Tailored Experiences: The Future of Hospitality and Tourism Industry and Education
Paper Submission Due Date: May 2, 2025
The International Society of Travel & Tourism Educators (ISTTE) is a global organization of educators in travel, tourism, hospitality, and related fields representing all levels of educational institutions. Its members are affiliated with institutions that range from vocational and high schools to two- and four-year colleges to graduate degree-granting universities. The current membership is represented by travel, tourism, and hospitality educators in 18 countries.
The 2025 annual conference of ISTTE will feature the theme of Tailored Experiences: The Future of Hospitality and Tourism Industry and Education. The ISTTE leadership team and the Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism (JTTT) editorial board jointly invite travel, tourism, and hospitality educators, researchers, graduate students, and destination and industry practitioners to contribute research papers, case studies, curriculum modules, teaching methods, and other original or creative work about the above theme. This is only a face-to-face conference; no virtual component will be available.
Topics under the theme may include but are not limited to:
- Personalized technology
- Exploring the role of AI, VR, and IoT in creating bespoke guest experiences
- Data-driven insights
- Levering data analytics to understand guest preferences and tailor services accordingly
- Cultural sensitivity
- Navigating cultural nuances to provide authentic and personalized experiences
- Sustainability and personalization
- Balancing eco-friendly practices with individualized guest needs
- Employee empowerment
- Empowering staff to deliver personalized service through training and technology
- Faculty development in hospitality and tourism education
- Personalised course/program design, including microcredentials, certificates, etc.
- Academic career perceptions
- Leadership development
- Stress and coping, work-life balance
- Academic job satisfaction
- Case studies in hospitality/tourism teaching and research
- Other related topics
The ISTTE conference aims to share and exchange new knowledge that develops future leaders and workers in travel, tourism, and hospitality. Therefore, contributions are not limited to the topics listed above. They can be conceptual or empirical and must be submitted as one of the four following types.
- Full Paper
A full paper is a complete presentation of a research paper, case study, curriculum module, teaching method, or other original work.
- Submission length: 1,500-3,000 words, excluding the title, abstract, figures, tables, and references.
- Abstract: Maximum of 150 words
- Keywords: Maximum of five
- Indication of topic(s) to which the submission applies
- 2. Working Paper/Poster
A working paper/poster reports the ongoing research of a project, case study, curriculum module, teaching method, or other original work.
- Submission length: 1,000-1,500 words, excluding the title, abstract, figures, tables, and references
- Abstract: Maximum of 150 words
- Keywords: Maximum of five
- Indication of topic(s) to which the submission applies
- 3. Workshop/Teaching Case Study
Led by the presenter, a workshop will be an interactive exercise or demonstration that focuses on the know-how of conducting a research project, developing a curriculum module, and implementing a teaching method. It may also be presented as a panel discussion or as a debate among a group of speakers sharing expertise on one or a few related topics.
- Submission length: 500-1,000 words describing the purpose and key issues to be addressed, targeted participants, and expected outcome
- Abstract: Maximum of 150 words
- Keywords: Maximum of five
- Indication of topic(s) to which the submission applies
- 4. *NEW FOR 2025* Pecha Kucha Presentation
Pecha Kucha is a storytelling format in which a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds per slide. Submissions under this category can include full or working/in-progress papers.
- Submission length: 1,000-1,500 words, excluding the title, abstract, figures, tables, and references
- Abstract: Maximum of 150 words
- Keywords: Maximum of five
- Indication of topic(s) to which the submission applies
Complete the brief submission form and upload your paper in PDF format at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=istte2025 by 11:59 pm May 2, 2025 (Eastern Time, USA). If you cannot access the website from your location, please email your work to the Chair of the Scientific Committee.
- Your PDF paper should begin with a title page that includes (a) title, (b) abstract, (c) keywords, and (d) type of submission (full paper, working paper/poster, Pecha Kucha, or workshop). Authors’ names and affiliations should not be indicated on the title page.
- Your PDF paper’s file name should be the paper's title. The paper should be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font, 1.5-inch left margin, and one inch of all other margins on letter-size paper.
- If your original paper is in a language other than English, please complete the brief submission form in English and upload your original paper in a PDF file.
- Notification of review results will be made no later than May 30, 2025.
- Revised submissions are due for inclusion in the conference proceedings by June 27, 2025. At least one author should register for the conference by this date.
There will be three award categories: Best Paper (Case Study, Curriculum Module, Teaching Method, Research Method), Best Working Paper or Poster, Best Pecha Kucha, and Best Workshop/Teaching Case Study. Using the initial reviewers’ evaluations to shortlist potential award candidates, the award recipients will be selected based on the review of the final submissions by the program committee. The shortlisted papers will be recognized as highly commended.
A conference proceeding of all accepted contributions will be compiled to include the author’s choice of either the accepted work in its entirety or only the abstract. Authors of exceptional papers will be invited to submit their work to the Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism.
Accepted authors (or at least one co-authors of an accepted paper) should register for the conference to be included in the proceedings.
Early Bird Member $375
Early Bird Non-Member $550
Early Bird Student $275
Registration Member $475
Registration Non-Member $650
Registration Student $375
Inquiries about the submission or review process should be addressed to Professor Cora Wong, corawong@mpu.edu.mo, Chair of the Scientific Committee. The conference program and updates can be found at http://istte.org/.