IWaM4STD: Integrated Water Management for Sustainable Tourism Development Albanian Academy of Sciences Tirana, Albania, May 28-29, 2025 |
Conference website | https://akad.gov.al/pasurite-ujore/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwam4std |
Abstract registration deadline | April 30, 2025 |
Submission deadline | April 30, 2025 |
Water is a key resource for tourism and services to tourists are heavily dependent on it. Water can become a constraint to sustainable development, a limit on tourist activities and an issue of conflict with local residents. Anthropogenic activities, inherited industrial wastes and present, have caused and continue to cause pollution of soils, surface and groundwater. Reducing the level of pollution with contemporarytechnology, is a challenge for both our countries.
In this context, the implementation of adequate policies for sustainable development is important, where science has a key role in the benefit of integrated water resources management. Recognizing the importance of these issues for the economic development in the region, the AlbanianAcademy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo invite researchers, policy makers, industry experts, and stakeholders to the International Conference on Integrated Water Management for Sustainable Tourism Development. This event will focus on the relationshipbetween water resources and tourism development in both countries and in the region, emphasizing thecrucial role of an integrated water management in development of a sustanaible tourism, ensuring environmental protection and long-term economic benefits.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
List of Topics
1. Policy Implementation in the Context of the best practises in Water Management for a SustainableTourism
2. Innovative Technologies and Sustanable Concepts to ensure Resilient Cities and Circular Economy
3. Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts of Integrated Management of Water Resources
4. Water resources in Kosovo and Albania and their potential collaboration on applying newtechnologies for detecting and removing water pollutants.
Program Committee
- Academician Sali Gashi
- Prof. Dr. Aleko Miho
- Academician Nexhat Daci
- Dr. Roza Allabashi
- Academician Neki Frashëri
- Corresponding member Fetah Podvorica
- Assoc. Acad. Rrapo Ormeni
- Prof. Dr. Anila Hoda
- Prof. Dr. Arjola Bacu
- Prof. Dr. Saimir Beqiri
- As. Prof. Raimonda Totoni
- Academician Fejzullah Krasniqi
- Academician Ilirjan Malollari
- Prof. Dr. Valbona Kolaneci
- Corresponding member Salih Gashi
- Prof. Dr. Kledi Xhaxhiu
- Prof. Dr. Majlinda Vasjari
- As. Prof. Alma Shehu
- Prof. Dr. Zetrit Zorba
- Prof. Dr. Lavdim Osmanaj
- Prof. Dr. Elda Marku
- Prof. Dr. Bujar Seiti
- Accociated Academician Besnik Baraj
- As. Prof. Klodian Skrame
- Corresponding member Myzafere Limani
- Dr. Lindita Molla
Organizing committee
- Dr. Rozarta Nezaj
- Dr. Bledar Myrtaj
- Nensi Isak
- Eljora Sema Ndrelalaj
- Lueda Kulla
- Ana Ameda
- Sadik Cenolli
The conference will be held in Albanian Academy of Sciences, Sheshi Murat Toptani
All questions about submissions should be emailed to pasuriteujore@gmail.com