SAM 2023: System Analysis and Modelling MODELS 2023 Västerås, Sweden, October 2-3, 2023 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | July 12, 2023 |
The System Analysis and Modelling (SAM) conference provides an arena for participants from academia and industry to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in modeling, specification, analysis, implementation, and monitoring of complex systems using ITU-T's Specification and Description Language (SDL‑2010) and Message Sequence Chart (MSC) notations, as well as related system design languages — including but not limited to UML, ASN.1, TTCN, SysML and the User Requirements Notation (URN).
Scope and Topics
SAM 2023 covers "System Modeling and Analysis in State-of-Practice Technologies", including languages and methods standardized by the ITU-T as well as domain-specific languages for state-of-practice domains like artificial intelligence, digital twins, no code, low code, DataOps, and metaverse. It also focusses on software engineering technologies such as requirements engineering, software verification and validation, model checking, and automated code generation. Authors are invited to submit papers related to this year’s theme including the following non-exclusive list of topics:
- Evolution of languages: domain-specific languages, modular language design, semantics and evaluation, languages for artificial intelligence systems, high-level modeling languages with strong semantics to avoid and reduce coding, ModelOps to support strong interaction with IT operations and life cycle management.
- Model-driven development: analysis and transformation of models, approaches to reduce or avoid coding by reuse, verification and validation of models, systematic testing based on and applied to models, automated verification by model checking, approaches to increase quality and efficiency in teams like applying peer, mob and ensemble programming processes to modeling.
- System engineering models: semantics of system models, refinement of system designs into implementations, automated code generation, integration of system and software design models, non-functional aspects in system models, creation of digital twins from models and applying hardware/software-in-the-loop to model simulation.
- Industrial application and tools: industrial usage reports, standardization activities, tool support and frameworks, domain-specific applicability, modeling and analysis in machine control and monitoring, model-based creation of immersive web spaces (e.g., metaverse).
The conference programme will include:
- Presentations from invited speakers
- Presentation of research papers
- Presentation of industrial experiences
- Tool demonstrations
Submission Guidelines
SAM 2023 welcomes academics and industrial submissions in the following categories:
- Full papers describing original, unpublished results (max 10 pages, including figures, appendices and references in IEEE format).
- Short papers, describing work in progress (max 6 pages, including figures, appendices and references in IEEE format).
Long papers should describe significant, original, and unpublished results related to but not limited to any of the SAM-related topics. Short papers are insightful contributions on SAM relevant topics such as preliminary and initial research results for which a complete evaluation has not yet been performed.
We encourage also the submission of (long or short) papers that describe negative results and replication studies. This type of papers advance our knowledge by allowing us to continuously (re)evaluate our understanding of the current approaches.
Each paper submitted to the technical track will be evaluated by at least three reviewers, based on significance, originality, substance, correctness, and clarity.
Best Paper Awards will be given to authors of long and short papers, which will be selected by the program committee and SAM Co-chairs among the accepted and presented papers.
Submission Instructions:
The SAM 2023 proceedings will be published by IEEE.
- All submission must be in PDF and made via Easychair.
- All submissions must conform to SAM 2023 formatting instructions and must not exceed 10 pages for long technical papers and 6 pages for short technical paper. The page limit is strict, and it will not be possible to purchase additional pages
- Submissions must adhere to the IEEE formatting instructions, which can be found at: IEEE - Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.
- By submitting to SAM 2023, authors acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to be bound by the IEEE Policy on Plagiarism, Misrepresentation, and Falsification and the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism. In particular, papers submitted to SAM 2023 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere whilst under consideration for SAM 2023.
Accepted papers must be presented at SAM 2023 by one of the authors.
General Chairs:
Peter Herrmann | — | Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway |
Stein Erik Ellevseth | — | ABB Corporate Research, Billingstad, Norway |
Programme Committee:
Sanaa Alwidian | — | Ontario Tech University |
Daniel Amyot | — | University of Ottawa |
Ludovic Apvrille | — | Telecom ParisTech - Sophia-Antipolis |
Omar Badreddin | — | University of Texas, El Paso |
Peter Clarke | — | Florida International University |
Juergen Dingel | — | Queen’s University |
Stein Erik Ellevseth | — | ABB Corporate Research |
Pau Fonseca i Casas | — | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Pascale Le Gall | — | École CentraleSupélec |
Emmanuel Gaudin | — | PragmaDev |
Abdelouahed Gherbi | — | École de technologie supérieure |
Jens Grabowski | — | University of Göttingen |
Mohammad Hamdaqa | — | Polytechnique Montréal |
Wahab Hamou-Lhadj | — | Concordia University |
Jameleddine Hassine | — | KFUPM |
Øystein Haugen | — | Østfold University College |
Peter Herrmann | — | Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
Ferhat Khendek | — | Concordia University |
Frank Alexander Kraemer | — | Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
Finn Kristoffersen | — | Cinderella |
Philip Makedonski | — | University of Göttingen |
Gunter Mussbacher | — | McGill University |
Sadaf Mustafiz | — | Ryerson University |
Ileana Ober | — | IRIT - University of Toulouse |
Iulian Ober | — | Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l’Espace - University of Toulouse |
Maxime Perrotin | — | European Space Agency (ESA) |
Fabio Petrillo | — | École de technologie supérieure |
Andreas Prinz | — | Agder University College |
Rick Reed | — | TSE |
Amardeo Sarma | — | NEC Laboratories Europe |
Heinz Schmidt | — | RMIT University, Melbourne |
Tiberiu Seceleanu | — | Mälardalen University |
Edel Sherratt | — | Aberystwyth University |
Anna Zamansky | — | University of Haifa |
Alois Zoitl | — | Johannes Kepler University Linz |
SAM2023 will be co-located with MODELS 2023. The conference will be held at Västerås, Sweden
For general questions, please send an email to sam2023 (at) easychair (dot) org.