SeRIM 2025: 1st International Workshop on Security and Risk in Identity Management Venice, Italy, July 4, 2025 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | March 10, 2025 |
Notification to Authors | April 2, 2025 |
Camera Ready | April 14, 2025 |
The workshop is co-located with the 10th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P 2025).
The increasing reliance on identity management systems in key sectors such as healthcare, finance, and public administration has made them a critical component of digital infrastructures. However, as the adoption of identity management solutions expands, it brings forth a growing need to assess and manage the security and risks associated with these systems. Addressing the complex and evolving security and privacy threats to identity management requires not only a deep understanding of potential vulnerabilities but also the development of advanced risk assessment techniques.
This workshop aims at exploring security and risk assessment in identity management systems, by investigating how to evaluate the security posture of identity solutions, assess risks, identify suitable security controls together with privacy enhancing techniques, and ensure compliance with regulations. Through peer-reviewed research papers, live demonstrations of tools, and expert keynote sessions, it will provide a unique venue to discuss the latest trends and innovations to make identity management infrastructures more resilient and supporting fundamental rights and freedom.
Topics of Interest
We encourage submissions on a range of topics related to the security and risk assessment applied to identity management, including but not limited to:
- Case Studies in Secure Identity Management
- Formal Verification of Identity Management Protocols
- Risk Assessment Methodologies and Strategies
- Security Metrics for Identity Systems
- Specification Languages for Automated Analysis
- Threat Modeling and Vulnerability Assessment
- Tools for Security Analysis
Submission Guidelines
Submitted manuscripts must present original research that does not substantially overlap with any previously published work or submissions under consideration by other venues.
Submissions must be in English and provided in PDF format, following the IEEE conference proceedings format. They will be categorized into (page limits exclude references and well-marked appendices):
- Regular Papers: full-length research papers (up to 10 pages).
- Short Papers: research papers presenting preliminary results (up to 6 pages).
- Tool Papers: description of tools or practical implementations (up to 4 pages). They will be presented in a Demo Session, where attendees can see live demonstrations of the tools.
All submitted papers will undergo a single-blind review process, so anonymization is not required.
Submissions must be made through the EasyChair conference management system.
Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop and present the paper in person.
Important Dates
All deadlines are 11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth.
- Paper Submission:
February 13, 2025February 27, 2025 (extended) - Notification to Authors:
March 24, 2025March 31, 2025 (extended) - Camera Ready:
April 7, 2025April 14, 2025 (extended) - Workshop: July 4, 2025
General Co-Chairs
- Riccardo Focardi (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
- Silvio Ranise (Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Trento)
Program Co-Chairs
- Flaminia Luccio (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
- Giada Sciarretta (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Publication Co-Chairs
- Matteo Busi (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
- Marco Pernpruner (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Program Committee
- To be announced.