Ucom 2024: International Conference on Ubiquitous Communication Xi'an, China, July 10-12, 2024 |
Conference website | http://www.ucom.org.cn/index.html |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ucom2024 |
Submission deadline | May 5, 2024 |
The future communication system will be a ubiquitous communication system integrating air, space, ground, and sea, which can not only effectively improve the key performance of the network, but also break the geographical limitation, realize global seamless three-dimensional coverage, support users' access anytime and anywhere, and narrow the digital divide between different regions. In addition, the emergence of new services and scenarios (such as immersive experiences, unmanned services, digital twins, etc.) and their increasingly demanding key performance indicators require ubiquitous communication systems to integrate communication, information, big data, AI, control, and other technologies, thereby supporting cloudified, flexible, minimalist, intelligent/secure endogenous and open networks, and providing the distributed, cross-domain, flexible and agile capability. Although ubiquitous communication systems have been discussed in both academia and industry in recent years, the research on its network architectures, theories, key technologies, and challenges is still in its infancy. For this reason, the School of Telecommunications Engineering of Xidian University initiates the International Conference on Ubiquitous Communication (Ucom), aiming to establish a broad communication platform to invite world-renowned experts and scholars to propose innovative insights, methodologies, architectures, theories, modeling approaches, and industry development visions for ubiquitous communication systems. This conference will result in high-quality academic papers to jointly promote the development of ubiquitous communication systems. The technical scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, communication theory and techniques, signal processing and image processing, networking, optical communication, machine learning and optimization for wireless systems, and emerging technologies, standards and applications in the field of ubiquitous communications. All teaching, research staff, and students engaged in the new theory of communication technology and its applications are welcome to attend.
Submission Guidelines
Submission Requirement
Paper submission must be in English. All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee based on technical quality, relevance to wireless communications and signal processing, originality, significance, and clarity. All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Papers that do not comply with the Submission Policy will be rejected without review.
We require that any submission to Ucom must not be already published or under review at another archival conference or journal. Papers on arXiv do not violate this rule as long as the submitted paper does not cite them. Submitting a paper to the conference means that if the paper was accepted, at least one author will complete the regular registration and attend the conference to present the paper. For no-show authors, their papers will not be included in the proceedings.
Paper Template
Please make sure to use the standard IEEE conference templates to prepare your final manuscript. Manuscripts that do not meet the format requirements will be returned to authors for revision. And note that the similarity score should be no more than 30.
All the manuscripts must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the above format. Usage of other formats may lead to disqualification of paper for the conference. Note that each accepted paper is limited to 6 pages with no charge for the first 5 pages and a charge of US$60/400RMB for the 6th page.
List of Topics
- Channel Modeling and Estimation
- Energy Harvesting and Low Energy Communication
- Feedback and Two-Way Communication
- Holographic Surfaces and Reconfigurable Surfaces
- Information Theory and Channel Capacity
- Integrated Sensing and Communications
- Low Resolution Communication
- Millimeter Wave and Terahertz
- Next Generation MIMO and Massive MIMO
- Physical Layer Security
- Propagation and Interference Modeling
- Relaying and Self-Backhauling
- Short Packet and Finite Block Length Communications
- Visible Light Communications
- Modulation and Channel Coding
- Wireless Power and Information Transfer
- ...etc
Honorary Chair
Quan Yu, Pengcheng Laboratory, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow
General Chair
Xinliang Zhang, President, Xidian University, OSA Fellow
Executive Chairs
Zan Li, Xidian University
Tong Song, China Institute of Communications
Executive Co-Chairs
Yunsong Li, Xidian University
Min Sheng, Xidian University
Huaxi Gu, Xidian University
Technical Program Committee Chair
Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Cheng Kung University, IEEE Fellow
Award Chairs
Chengwen Xing, Beijing Institute of Technology
Xiaoyan Zhu, Xidian University
Publications Chair
Long Yang, Xidian University
Publicity Chairs
Jia Shi, Xidian University
Xu Wang, Heriot-Watt University
Yinan Geng, China Institute of Communications
Financial Chair
Kai Liang, Xidian University
Local Arrangement Chair
Deshui Yu, Xidian University
The accepted papers passed through the peer-reviewed process after proper registration and presentation will be published into conference proceedings, which will be submitted to be indexed by EI compendex and Scopus.
Yue Peng
Tel: +86-19182240053
Email: Ucom@xidian.edu.cn