![]() | ICCM 25: The 23rd International Conference on Cognitive Modeling Virtual & In-person at The Ohio State University - The Blackwell Inn/Conference Center & Ohio Union Columbus, OH, United States, July 25-29, 2025 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccm25 |
Abstract registration deadline | March 4, 2025 |
Submission deadline | March 4, 2025 |
The ICCM 2025 organizing committee invites abstracts for talks, posters, and symposia to be presented at the 22nd International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM). The virtual and in-person conferences will be co-located with the 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology (MathPsych).
The virtual conference dates are tentatively set for June 16 to June 20. There is more information about the virtual conference below and on MathPsych's webpage: VMP 2025. The dates of the in-person conference are July 25 to 29, 2025. July 25 will be dedicated to workshops, and a Women of Mathematical Psychology-sponsored Professional Development Symposium Event. Talks and keynotes will take place July 26 to 28. The annual ACT-R Workshop will also be held at Ohio State University on July 29, 2025.
The conference showcases leading research on mathematical and computational theories of human cognition. We welcome contributions from the complete spectrum of formal approaches to modeling cognition, including connectionism, symbolic modeling, dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling, and cognitive architectures.
All papers and abstracts (virutal and in-person) can be submitted via the ICCM website at https://iccmsociety.org or directly through easychair at: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iccm25. The submission deadline is February 28, 2025, 23.59 anywhere on Earth. Decisions will be made by April 30, 2025. There will be no extensions on submission deadlines. This is to help us reach decisions on submissions promptly so people can obtain visas and make travel plans for the in-person conference.
Note this year we will have a special fast-track poster decision such that authors can submit for a special fast track poster decision, which will be made by March 14, 2025 (submit as "Expedited Abstract Review"). We hope this helps authors who need to apply for visas. If authors like, we will still consider the submission for a spoken presentation, but those decisions will not be posted until April 30, 2025. Note that if you would like to present a spoken presentation, you should submit twice -- both an early consideration submission and a talk submission.
Important Dates:
- Submission Period Open: December 15, 2024 (Friday)
- Submission Period Ends (Virtual and InPerson): February 28, 2025 (Friday)
- Review Period Starts: March 7, 2025 (Friday)
- Quick Poster Decision (for presenters that need to apply for visas): March 14, 2025 (Friday)
- Review Period Ends: April 7, 2025 (Tuesday)
- Registration: April 15, 2025 (Tuesday)
- Final Decisions: April 30, 2025
- Synchronous live talks for the ICCM virtual conference: Tentatively June 16 to June 20, 2025
- Recordings for ICCM virtual conference Uploaded by: Tentatively July 1, 2025
- In-Person Meeting July 25 to July 29 (paper and poster sessions July 26 to July 28)
All participants are invited to attend and present at both the virtual and in-person events, but work must be officially submitted to both conferences separately.
The following types of submissions will be considered for the in-person meeting:
- ICCM Full Paper
- ICCM Publication Supported Abstract
- ICCM Poster
- Symposium with Talk in a Symposium
- Workshops/Tutorials
Details on each submission type are below.
Looking forward to meeting you in Columbus!
The ICCM 2025 Conference Organizing Committee
Submission Types
The submission portal can be found at: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iccm25
If you wish to submit a poster for an early decision, be sure to submit it as “"Expedited Abstract Review" rather than a regular poster.
ICCM Full Paper
Full ICCM papers can be up to six pages in length, with up to one additional page of citations. Full paper submissions will be evaluated by peer review.
Papers accepted as talks will be in-person spoken presentations accompanied by a slide deck. Each speaker is assigned a 20-minute presentation slot, which is typically divided into 15 minutes for presenting and 5 minutes of question time.
Papers not accepted as talks may be accepted as posters.
All accepted papers will be published in the ICCM Conference Proceedings. Final versions of proceedings papers will be due by 30 June 2025.
The Allen Newell Prize will be awarded to the Best Student-led ICCM Paper. Please make sure to indicate if the first author of a paper is a student when making submissions.
If you are interested in acting as a reviewer for ICCM, please let us know by filling out a reviewer interest survey: https://forms.gle/RjsigmP2k6HseJ276
ICCM Publication-Supported Abstract
As an alternative to full paper submissions, a maximum one-page abstract describing work recently published in other forums or an extension of a previously published project may be submitted. Submissions in this category must include a reference to a recently published paper (within 3 years) by the submitting author.
Publication-Supported Abstracts will be considered for talks, which will be given in-person, accompanied by a slide deck. Each speaker is assigned a 20-minute presentation slot, which is typically divided into 15 minutes for presenting and 5 minutes of question time.
Publication-Supported Abstracts not accepted as talks may be accepted as posters.
Publication-Supported Abstracts will NOT be published in the ICCM Conference Proceedings.
ICCM Poster
Short abstracts, maximum of 250 words, may be submitted for consideration as ICCM posters only.
In-person ICCM Poster dimensions will be announced in early May after acceptance. Presenters will be given a time and place to mount their poster, as well as a time during which the poster is "attended" -- meaning that you should be there for people to ask you questions.
ICCM Poster abstracts will NOT be published in the ICCM Conference Proceedings.
Symposium / Talk in a Symposium
Symposia are blocks of four to eight regular-length talks on a relatively narrow topic. They are expected to have a lead/team of organizers who coordinate the individual papers. The organizer should submit a summary of the symposium separately. Each talk within a symposium should submit their talks individually.
Overall Symposium Summary: Symposium summary submissions should be a maximum of 1 page, including a symposium title, a 250 word abstract of the symposium overall, and a planned list of speakers who have already agreed to participate in the symposium. The Symposium summary should be submitted by the lead organizer, identifying any co-organizers as co-authors.
Talk in a Symposium: Symposium talks should be submitted individually by the lead author of each talk, and should include a title and abstract of no more than 250 words. When you submit the abstract, please indicate in the “Optional Comment” field the proposed symposium title to which the talk belongs.
Symposium talk submissions that are not accepted as part of a symposium will be reviewed for regular MathPsych or ICCM presentations.
Workshops and tutorials are half-day sessions, up to 4 hours, that target teaching or workshop-style discussions on a topic or technique of interest to the Math Psych and/or ICCM communities.
Workshops and tutorials will take place on July 25, 2025.
Workshop and Tutorial submissions should be up to 1 page in length and contain the following information:
- Title and Organizers,
- A 250-word abstract outlining the proposed workshop/tutorial topic and objectives,
- List of the tutorial or workshop leads and what each contributes to the session,
- Proposed schedule for the workshop/tutorial execution,
- Description of information technology, audio-visual equipment, or material needs to execute or support the session.