PACE 2023: Workshop on Performance-Driven Adaptive Edge/Cloud Environments Taormina, Italy, December 4-7, 2023 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | September 25, 2023 |
The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of edge/cloud continuum focusing on performance modeling and engineering. The workshop will explore novel performance-related topics in the area cloud continuum. The workshop seeks not only original research contributions, but also experience reports, papers describing exemplars and datasets, and papers focusing on education in this field.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The page limit is 6 pages ACM double column, 2 extra pages can be purchased. The review process is double blind, submissions must be anonymized.
List of Topics
- Modeling performance in cloud continuum
- Models in runtime, models in the loop
- Models and techniques for specific application domains (data-intensive, stream processing, augmented reality, games, …)
- Cloud/edge continuum-specific performance evaluation and analysis
- Measurement techniques and benchmarking for the continuum
- Autonomous performance-driven operations in the continuum
- Performance-based adaptation and infrastructure optimization in the continuum
- Performance simulations in/of the continuum
- Performance-based resource scheduling and orchestration in the continuum
- Interference-aware scheduling for the continuum
- Serverless computing adaptation across edge/cloud environments
- Autonomic control for service execution
- Service partitioning and dynamic placement
- Performance self-monitoring and reflection
- Performance-aware DevOps for cloud
- Performance experimentations in the continuum
- Machine learning and AI for performance-related problems
- Performance transparency in cloud and management of cloud performance knowledge
- Performance-aware software architectural models for cloud
- Performance-reflecting software architectures
- Performance-aware continuum frameworks
- Cloud performance knowledge and education
The conference will be held in Taormina (Messina), Italy, in conjuction with the 16th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2023).
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