RELIEVE 2023: Energy and Sustainable Mobility Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) Lima, Peru, July 19-21, 2023 |
Conference website | |
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Poster | download |
Abstract registration deadline | July 15, 2023 |
Submission deadline | July 15, 2023 |
RELIEVE 2023: Energy and Sustainable Mobility
RELIEVE 2023 is the main event that the Latin American Network for Research in Energy and Vehicles (RELIEVE) carries out in 2023
- Objective: Contribute to the generation and strengthening of capacities in Latin America to support and guide local governments and companies on issues of sustainable mobility.
- Events:
- International Summer Course on Smart Mobility
- International Conference on Energy Efficiency RELIEVE 2023
- Industrial exhibition on mobility and cleaner transportation
- International Competition of electric bicycles
- RELIEVE annual meeting
IV International Conference of Energy Efficiency RELIEVE 2023
In order to promote the research and technological development projects aimed at increasing energy efficiency, especially in vehicles and transportation sector, we have given continuity to the traditional International Congress on Energy Efficiency organized by RELIEVE. This conference is intended for students, researchers, and companies. It look forward to disseminate and comunicate to the society the scientific, technological and social results. It includes:
- Oral presentations
- Permanent poster session.
- Competition for best technical presentation and best poster.
The best papers will be or will receive support to be published in the following journals where RELIEVE has collaboration agreements and/or conference where RELIEVE participates as co-organizer.
- IEEE Ecuadorian Technical Chapters Meeting ETCM 2023. Quito, Ecuador, octubre 2023.
- Ciencia aplicada. Edición especial sobre energía y contaminación del aire
- Revista mundial de vehículos eléctricos. Número especial "Consumo de combustible y emisiones de vehículos"
- Dinámica vehicular ISSN: 2529-7767 Editorial WHIOCE.
- Informador técnico. Editorial SENA. ISSN En Línea: 2256-5035. ISSN Impreso: 0122-056X
Submission guideliness
Abstract/full papers must be submitted in digital format (PDF) through the paper submission page. Papers must be written in English or Spanish. The maximum length is six (6) pages per article including illustrations and references. Each paper should indicate appropriateness for the scope of the Conference, originality and quality of the technical content, whole organization and writing style.
For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors must register and present the paper at III International Congress on Energy Efficiency RELIEVE 2022
Posters should highlight research results from current projects related to the conference themes. Organizers invite projects that submit an abstract or full paper to the congress to present posters.
There is no any mandatory template for paper or posters.
- Energy efficiency
- Smart mobility
- Sustainable mobility
- Pollutant emissions
- Use of IT in transportation systems
- Electric vehicles
RELIEVE is the Latin American Research Network on Energy and Vehicles (RELIEVE), included since 2020 to the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED). RELIEVE's objective is to contribute to the generation and strengthening of capacities in LATAM to provide technical support and follow up to local governments and companies in smart mobility issues. As a strategy to achieve this objective, RELIEVE seeks to strengthen the collaboration between universities, companies and government entities through the development of joint research projects, scientific dissemination and training of human talent in the field of smart mobility. RELIEVE understands Smart Mobility as the use of information technologies to reorganize the mobility of people and goods in a sustainable way (economically, socially, environmentally).
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) is a recognized private higher education institution leader in research and teaching in Peru. It was founded on March 24, 1917 by the priest Jorge Dintilhac of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts as the "Catholic University of Peru," the oldest private university in the country. On September 30, 1942, she received the title of Pontifical from the Holy See, which gave rise to her current name. It's the university #1 in Peru according to the QS World Ranking 2022. Currently has 31,167 students undergraduate and graduate, 52 racing admission 2020-2, 109 programs graduate, and 535 researchers enrolled in RENACYT.
The event will be held in Lima, Perú from July 19 to 21, 2023, at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) (see RELIEVE 2023 schedule)
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