![]() | The 5th ICoSHIP: 5th International Conference on Social Science, Humanity and Public Health Ketapang Indah Hotel, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia Banyuwangi, Indonesia, October 12-13, 2024 |
Conference website | https://conference.polije.ac.id/icoship/2024/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=the5thicoship |
Abstract registration deadline | August 30, 2024 |
Submission deadline | September 12, 2024 |
Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia will be holding scientific conference, entitled The 5th International Conference on Social Science, Humanity and Public Health (ICoSHIP). The theme of ICoSHIP is "Beyond Megatrends 2045: Synergizing Social Sciences, Humanities, and Public Health for Navigating Global Impacts".The conf
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- All papers will be peer reviewed. Paper length should be maximum seven pages including figures, tables, references, and appendices. Please refer to the EAI Publisher Author Guidelines.
List of Topics
- Public Health Policy and Governance
- Global Health Challenges and Technological Advancements
- Mental Health and Well-Being
- Health Equity and Social Determinants
- Health Impacts of Climate Change
- Climate Resilient Healthcare Systems
- Air quality and respiratory health
- Vector-borne disease and climate change
- Building climate-resilient communities
- Promoting Public Awareness and involvement in climate action for health
- Tourism Policy and Governance
- Ecotourism and Conservation
- Technology and Innovation in Sustainable Tourism
- Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure in Tourism
- Partnership and Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism
- Inclusive Tourism Development for Social Justice and Community Well-being
- Indigenous and traditional knowledge in sustainable tourism
- Climate Change and Its Impact on Cultural Heritage Destinations and the Hospitality Industry
- Health Tourism and Wellness: The growth of health and wellness tourism in a post-pandemic world.
Business and Agribusiness Management
- Climate Finance and Sustainable Investment
- Waste Recycling and Upcycling and Circular Economy
- Climate Change Awareness and Corporate Education
- Adaptation Strategies for Low-income Communities
- Empowering Marginalized Communities
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Technological Innovations for Sustainability in Business Operations
Language and Communication
- Language and Culture in a Globalized World
- Ecological Linguistics and Environmental Communication
- English for Professional Communication in the 21st Century
- Advancements and best practices in translation and interpreting
- Multilingualism and Cultural Diversity in Language
- Language Learning Resources and Technology
- Strategies and methodologies for enhancing language development and proficiency
- Cross-Cultural Communication for Global Connection
- Linguistic Research and Innovation for Contemporary Challenges
- Communication Media and Publicity materials for environment sustainability
- Lifelong Learning and Skill Development
- Global Citizenship and Sustainability
- Social impacts of globalization and strategies for positive transformation
- Social policies to address contemporary societal issues
- Managing urbanization and promoting sustainable development.
- Interdisciplinary Social Research to tackle complex social problems.
- Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding
- Religion and Environmental Stewardship
- Religious Responses to Global Crises
Program Committee
- Prof. Arran Stibbe (University of Gloucestershire England)
- Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A. (UI GreenMetric Team)
- Dr. Siti Marsila Mhd Ruslan (University of Malaysia Terengganu)
- Adriadi Novawan, S.Pd., M.Ed. (Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia)
- Dr. dr. Rinda Nurul Karimah, M.Kes. (Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia)
- Dr. Ir. R. Abdoel Djamali, M.Si. (Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia)
- Dr. dr. R. Roro Lia Chairina, MM. (Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia)
- Alfi Hidayatu Miqawati, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia)
- Mudafiq Riyan Pratama, S.Kom., M.Kom. (Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia)
- Meiga Rahmanita, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia)
Organizing committee
- Saiful Anwar, STP., MP - Chairman of International Advisory Board
- Surateno, S.Kom., M.Kom - Advisor
- Dr. Yossi Wibisono, STP., MP - Advisor
- Wahyu Kurnia Dewanto, S.Kom., M.Kom - Advisor
- Agung Wahyono, SP., MSi., PhD - Advisor
- Wendy Triadji Nugroho, ST., MT., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D - Chairman of Organizing Committee
- Muhammad Yunus, S.Kom., M.Kom. - Secretary
- Adriadi Novawan, S.Pd., M.Ed. - Editor in Chief ICOSHIP
- Dr. dr. Rinda Nurul Karimah, M.Kes.. - Editor
- Dr. Ir. R. Abdoel Djamali, M.Si.. - Editor
- Dr. dr. R. Roro Lia Chairina, MM.. - Editor
- Alfi Hidayatu Miqawati, S.Pd., M.Pd.. - Editor
- Mudafiq Riyan Pratama, S.Kom., M.Kom.. - Editor
- Meiga Rahmanita, S.Pd., M.Pd.. - Editor
- Dr. Silvia Oktavia Nur Yudiastuti, STP., MTP - Financial Treasury Coordinator
- Mery Hadiyah Wati, S.Kom - Financial Treasury Support
- Khafidurrohman Agustianto, S.Pd, M.Eng - IT Publication System Coordinator
- David Juli Ariyadi, S.Kom - IT Publication System Support
- Evan Hendra Lukito, A.Md - IT Publication System Support
- Ahmad Nuril Firdaus, SE - Publication and Book Program
- M. Atho Amrulloh, MSi - Publication and Book Program
- Irene Margaret, A.Md - Publication and Book Program
- Beni Widiawan, S.ST, M.T - Event Coordinator
- Puji Hastuti, ST., M.Eng - Event Coordinator Support
- Mochammad Rifki Ulil Albaab, ST., M.Tr.T. - Event Coordinator Support
- Risse Entikaria Rachmanita, S.Pd., M.Si. - Event Coordinator Support
- Anugrah Trial Akbar, A.Md - Supporting Staff
- Rifqi Dwi Anggraeni, BA - Supporting Staff
Invited Speakers
- Prof. Arran Stibbe (University of Gloucestershire England)
- Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A. (UI GreenMetric Team)
- Dr. Siti Marsila Mhd Ruslan (University of Malaysia Terengganu)
All the reviewed and selected papers will be published by International Journal of Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (IJOSSH) International Journal of Health and Information System (IJHIS) International Journal of Healthcare and Information Technology (IJHITECH), and Google Scholar. No refund will be made for registered participants who fail to turn up. The publication fee will be announced after the decision information for the selected paper, and the proofreading fee is the responsibility of the author.
Ketapang Indah Hotel, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Address: Jalan Gatot Subroto No.Km. 6, Lingkungan Tj., Klatak, Kec. Kalipuro, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur 68421
Office Address :Jl. Mastrip Po Box 164 Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Phone :+62 331 333533
Website : https://conference.polije.ac.id/icoship/2024/
Email : icoship@polije.ac.id
Contact Person
Adriadi Novawan, S.Pd., M.Ed.