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An Ad-Hoc Social Network Generation Approach

EasyChair Preprint 2126

9 pagesDate: December 10, 2019


The use of social networks is still confined to infrastructure-based networks such as the Internet. However, many situations (conferences, fairs, etc.) may require the implementation and rapid deployment of an Ad-hoc application for disseminating information between participants in an activity: it is this type of application that we call Ad-hoc Social Network. These applications can be deployed on mobile units that move freely and arbitrarily, distributed, etc. They therefore inevitably share the same characteristics as those inherent in ad-hoc mobile networks and therefore make them good candidates for their operation. In this paper, by using techniques and tools from the field of generative programming, we propose an approach to produce environments for generating such applications from their specifications in a dedicated language. By applying this approach, we have developed SMGenerator, an environment for generating mobile applications such as ad-hoc social networks that can be deployed on Android devices. Moreover, from this platform, we easily generated the ConfInfo application: an ad-hoc social network for disseminating information to participants in a scientific event.

Keyphrases: Dissémination d’Information, Programmation Générative, Réseaux Sociaux Ad-Hoc, Réseaux mobiles Ad hoc, XML, langages dédiés, publish/subscribe

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Martin Xavier Tchembe and Maurice Tchoupé Tchendji and Armelle Linda Matene Kakeu},
  title     = {An Ad-Hoc Social Network Generation Approach},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 2126},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2019}}
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