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Navigating the Ransomware Surge: Understanding Patterns, Evaluating Consequences, and Formulating Robust Countermeasures

EasyChair Preprint no. 12420

12 pagesDate: March 7, 2024


The escalating threat of ransomware demands a comprehensive examination of its evolving trends, impacts, and effective mitigation strategies. This paper delves into the intricate patterns of ransomware attacks, analyzing their modus operandi, targets, and propagation methods. We explore the far-reaching consequences of these attacks, ranging from financial losses to compromised data integrity and systemic disruptions. Understanding the dynamic nature of ransomware is crucial for devising proactive and resilient mitigation approaches.

Keyphrases: Cybersecurity, Data Integrity, financial losses, impacts, mitigation strategies, Modus Operandi, Ransomware, Systemic Disruptions, trends

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Basit Abbas},
  title = {Navigating the Ransomware Surge: Understanding Patterns, Evaluating Consequences, and Formulating Robust Countermeasures},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 12420},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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