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UTAS Telemedicine Clinic

EasyChair Preprint no. 13014

9 pagesDate: April 14, 2024


Telemedicine is a new technology in healthcare systems where it aims to create a channel of online communication between the patient and the healthcare provider. This technology offers healthcare services remotely for those who live far away from the healthcare center such as hospitals and clinics. The patient will have accessibility to healthcare services and acquire all the requirements to meet its need within its on resident. 

      The goal of our project is to build (UTAS Telemedicine System) for the campus clinic, which is an online medical system within all campuses of our university UTAS (University of Technology and Applied Science) in Oman, this system will connect all local clinics in UTAS campuses by one system of online medical services. So, each clinic in each campus will serve patients (students and staff) either physical diagnoses by the nurse or Telediagnosis (and Teleconsultation) by the doctor remotely via the nurse. These online medical services of this system will be conducted via a protected website to establish a live connection between the doctor, nurse, and the patient, and manage all other necessary related services such as reserve appointment, open medical visit, authorize sick leaves, and receiving monthly medicines.   

    This system will target the students and the administrative and academic staff of UTAS, it will save their time instead of going outside the university to the clinics or hospitals and spend a lot of time in waiting and transportation, also it will officially authorize the sick leaves for them. The patients (Student and staff) will have access to this website after they are creating (Registering) an official account for their profile, which will contain all the necessary information related to them, this system will be beneficial for both the patient and healthcare provider.

Keyphrases: healthcare system, Online Medical System, telediagnosis, Telehealth services.

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Fatma Awadh Aljabri and Raneem Khalid Al Dhahri and Mohammed Hammed},
  title = {UTAS Telemedicine Clinic},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 13014},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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