SAICSIT 2022: Keyword Index

- Randomised Detection AlgorithmMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
- WSN IntegrityMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
- WSN Safety and SecurityMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
- WSN TrustworthinessMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
3D Convolutional Neural NetworksRobust Anomaly Detection in CCTV Surveillance
4K video post-processingLow Resource, Post-processed Lecture Recording from 4K Video Streams
AI adoptionUnderstanding the Low Adoption of AI in South African Medium Sized Organisations
anomaly detectionRobust Anomaly Detection in CCTV Surveillance
Artificial IntelligenceUnderstanding the Low Adoption of AI in South African Medium Sized Organisations
Artificial Intelligence adoptionTowards a socio-specific artificial intelligence adoption framework
Atrous Spatial Pyramid PoolingDilated Convolution to Capture Scale Invariant Context in Crowd Density Estimation
Automated Lecture Recording SystemsLow Resource, Post-processed Lecture Recording from 4K Video Streams
BarriersBarriers to dynamic cybersecurity capabilities in healthcare software services
Behaviour CloningCombining Evolutionary Search with Behaviour Cloning for Procedurally Generated Content
BERTSentiment and intent classification of in-text citations using BERT
Big Data AnalyticsBig data analytics capabilities and value creation at the work-practice level: A South African case study
Big Data Analytics CapabilitiesBig data analytics capabilities and value creation at the work-practice level: A South African case study
Business ValueBig data analytics capabilities and value creation at the work-practice level: A South African case study
case studyBarriers to dynamic cybersecurity capabilities in healthcare software services
citation analysisSentiment and intent classification of in-text citations using BERT
Cloud ComputingBarriers to dynamic cybersecurity capabilities in healthcare software services
CNNRobust Facial Recognition for Occlusions using Facial Landmarks
Convolutional Neural NetworksDilated Convolution to Capture Scale Invariant Context in Crowd Density Estimation
Crop growthAnalyzing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in Simulated Crop Growth
crowd density estimationDilated Convolution to Capture Scale Invariant Context in Crowd Density Estimation
Cyber ThreatsTowards an African cybersecurity community of practice
CybersecurityBarriers to dynamic cybersecurity capabilities in healthcare software services
Cybersecurity ChallengesTowards an African cybersecurity community of practice
Cybersecurity Community of PracticeTowards an African cybersecurity community of practice
deep learningAutomating Bird Detection Based on Webcam Captured Images using Deep Learning
Design Science ResearchTowards a socio-specific artificial intelligence adoption framework
detection accuracyMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
dilated convolutionDilated Convolution to Capture Scale Invariant Context in Crowd Density Estimation
domain searchDo People in Low Resource Environments only Need Search? Exploring Digital Archive Functionalities in South Africa
dynamic capabilitiesBarriers to dynamic cybersecurity capabilities in healthcare software services
evolutionary searchCombining Evolutionary Search with Behaviour Cloning for Procedurally Generated Content
Facial RecognitionRobust Facial Recognition for Occlusions using Facial Landmarks
Faster R-CNNAutomating Bird Detection Based on Webcam Captured Images using Deep Learning
Fertilizer ManagementAnalyzing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in Simulated Crop Growth
FrameworkTowards a socio-specific artificial intelligence adoption framework
Health Social NetworksInfluence of Health Social Networks on Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review
Health social supportInfluence of Health Social Networks on Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review
HealthcareBarriers to dynamic cybersecurity capabilities in healthcare software services
HSNs and healthcareInfluence of Health Social Networks on Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review
Human Computer InteractionInvestigating the Usability and Quality of Experience of Mobile Video-Conferencing Apps Among Bandwidth-Constrained Users in South Africa
Human-centered AITowards a socio-specific artificial intelligence adoption framework
information seeking behaviourDo People in Low Resource Environments only Need Search? Exploring Digital Archive Functionalities in South Africa
information systemDo People in Low Resource Environments only Need Search? Exploring Digital Archive Functionalities in South Africa
Internet measurementInvestigating the Usability and Quality of Experience of Mobile Video-Conferencing Apps Among Bandwidth-Constrained Users in South Africa
Intrusion DetectionMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
knowledgeThe impact of organisational culture on knowledge management: the case of an international multilateral organisation
knowledge creationThe impact of organisational culture on knowledge management: the case of an international multilateral organisation
Knowledge ManagementThe impact of organisational culture on knowledge management: the case of an international multilateral organisation
memory requirementsMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
multiple instance learningRobust Anomaly Detection in CCTV Surveillance
neural networksSentiment and intent classification of in-text citations using BERT
Node Replication AttacksMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
online health communitiesInfluence of Health Social Networks on Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review
online privacyOnline Platform Privacy Policies: South African WhatsApp Users’ Perceptions and Reactions to the January 2021 Changes
optical flowRobust Anomaly Detection in CCTV Surveillance
organizational cultureThe impact of organisational culture on knowledge management: the case of an international multilateral organisation
Precision AgricultureAnalyzing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in Simulated Crop Growth
Presenter TrackingLow Resource, Post-processed Lecture Recording from 4K Video Streams
probabilistic finite automataMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
procedural content generationCombining Evolutionary Search with Behaviour Cloning for Procedurally Generated Content
Quality of ExperienceInvestigating the Usability and Quality of Experience of Mobile Video-Conferencing Apps Among Bandwidth-Constrained Users in South Africa
Reinforcement LearningAnalyzing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in Simulated Crop Growth
research surveyDo People in Low Resource Environments only Need Search? Exploring Digital Archive Functionalities in South Africa
ResNetsAutomating Bird Detection Based on Webcam Captured Images using Deep Learning
SECIThe impact of organisational culture on knowledge management: the case of an international multilateral organisation
Siamese Neural NetworksRobust Facial Recognition for Occlusions using Facial Landmarks
Single Shot DetectorAutomating Bird Detection Based on Webcam Captured Images using Deep Learning
SMEsUnderstanding the Low Adoption of AI in South African Medium Sized Organisations
Social ChallengesTowards a socio-specific artificial intelligence adoption framework
social mediaOnline Platform Privacy Policies: South African WhatsApp Users’ Perceptions and Reactions to the January 2021 Changes
Social media for healthInfluence of Health Social Networks on Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review
Software as a ServiceBarriers to dynamic cybersecurity capabilities in healthcare software services
Systematic Literature ReviewInfluence of Health Social Networks on Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review
text classificationSentiment and intent classification of in-text citations using BERT
Transfer LearningAutomating Bird Detection Based on Webcam Captured Images using Deep Learning
UsabilityInvestigating the Usability and Quality of Experience of Mobile Video-Conferencing Apps Among Bandwidth-Constrained Users in South Africa
users’ information needsDo People in Low Resource Environments only Need Search? Exploring Digital Archive Functionalities in South Africa
video segmentationLow Resource, Post-processed Lecture Recording from 4K Video Streams
Virtual CameramanLow Resource, Post-processed Lecture Recording from 4K Video Streams
WhatsAppOnline Platform Privacy Policies: South African WhatsApp Users’ Perceptions and Reactions to the January 2021 Changes
Wireless Sensor NetworksMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
work-practice levelBig data analytics capabilities and value creation at the work-practice level: A South African case study
WSN reliabilityMemory Requirements for the Detection of Impostor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks