ACL2 Home Page


ACL2'14 is the International Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover and its Applications.

Detailed information on ACL2 workshops can be found on the ACL2 website.

Paper submission instructions

Your paper can be submitted through Easychair. Papers should be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF) in the EPTCS Latex Style (see here) in A4 format.

The ACL2 Workshop accepts both long papers (up to sixteen pages) and extended abstracts (up to two pages). Both categories of papers will be fully refereed, but only long papers will be included in the final workshop proceedings. At least one author of each accepted papers must register for the workshop and give a presentation summarizing the paper's results. Authors of long papers will have more time to present their work at the workshop. One of the main advantages of the ACL2 Workshop is that attendees are already knowledgeable about ACL2, its syntax, its basic commands, and the art of writing models in it. So authors may assume that readers have this familiarity.

We strongly encourage authors of such papers to provide ACL2 script files (aka "books") along with instructions for using these books in ACL2. Such supporting materials should follow the
guidelines at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/books/index.html. For accepted papers, we will ask authors to make these books available by adding them to the ACL2 books repository.

Call for Papers

Call for Papers


Program Committee