GSB Home Page

What is this Workshop about?

GSB is the Workshop on Gentzen Systems and Beyond. 

Since the introduction of the sequent calculus and natural deduction by Gerhard Gentzen in the 1930s, a wide spectrum of formalisms have been used to construct proof systems for logics resisting a simpler description, including hypersequents, deep inference systems, display calculi, labelled deductive systems, tableaux, and proof nets, to name just a few. The aim of this third installment of the Workshop on Gentzen Systems and Beyond is to explore and compare the motivations for and relative merits of these different approaches. A non-exhaustive list of topics includes:

  • Cut-elimination and its applications, e.g., decidability, complexity results, interpolation, amalgamation, completeness proofs, computational interpretations, etc.
  • Scope, limitations, interrelationships, and philosophical aspects of various formalisms.

A broader aim of the workshop is to build a bridge between researchers into theoretical aspects of structural proof theory and the more application-oriented goals of the proof theory community, particularly in cases where the methods, such as constructing analytic systems, are shared.

The workshop is affiliated with CSL-LICS 2014 and hosted by FLoC 2014

Previous Workshops on Gentzen Systems and Beyond were organized in 2009 in Oslo (Norway) and in 2011 in Bern (Switzerland).

Invited Speakers

Alex Simpson, University of Edinburgh

Anna Zamansky, University of Haifa

Call for Papers

The call for papers can be found here: http://vsl2014.at/pages/GSB-cfp.html


Program Committee