This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abstract domain of polyhedra | |
abstract interpretation | |
algebraic data types | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Automated Program Verifiers | |
Automated theorem proving via SMT solver | |
B | |
Balanced tree data structures | |
C | |
C verification | |
certification | |
cloud computing | |
Coq | |
D | |
deductive verification | |
E | |
efficient refinement check in VCC | |
Error Explanation | |
F | |
formal methods | |
formal specification | |
Formal verification | |
Formalization of Language Semantics | |
Framing | |
H | |
higher-order logic | |
Hoare logic | |
I | |
Inductive Reasoning | |
interactive theorem proving | |
interpolants | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
J | |
Java | |
K | |
kernel verification | |
L | |
Linking | |
Local reasoning | |
LTL | |
M | |
MILS | |
Minimal Unsatisfiable Core | |
MMU | |
Model Checker | |
model validation | |
modeling | |
N | |
Nontermination | |
P | |
parameterized model checking | |
program verification in Coq | |
Proof Obligations | |
Proof Patterns | |
Pure method calls | |
R | |
real-time | |
real-time verification | |
refinement-based verification | |
Region logic | |
S | |
Security | |
Separation algebras | |
sequential consistency | |
SMT solvers | |
software model checking | |
Specifications | |
step-wise refinement | |
Store buffer reduction | |
stuttering bisimulations | |
System description | |
T | |
term rewriting | |
testing | |
theorem proving | |
timed automata | |
timed transition systems | |
TLB | |
V | |
verification | |
Verification conditions | |
verification of object code | |
verified RTOS | |
Verified verifiers | |
visualization |