Turing-100: Keyword Index

"during" modalityThe Glory of the Past and Geometrical Concurrency
active elementTuring Incomputable Computation
alternating Turing machinesAlternating Turing machines and the analytical hierarchy
ambiguityThe chess example in Turing's Mind paper is really about ambiguity
Artificial IntelligenceA Note on Turing’s Three Pioneering Initiatives and on Their Interplays
Autonomic ComputingThe Turing O-Machine and the DIME Network Architecture: Injecting the Architectural Resiliency into Distributed Computing
backward inductionComputing Nash Equilibria of Unbounded Games
bar recursionComputing Nash Equilibria of Unbounded Games
behavioral equivalencesUnifying Equivalences for Timed Transition Systems
Biological CADComputing with Metabolic Machines
black-hole thermodynamicsThe Info-Computation Turn in Physics
Boolean functionTuring Incomputable Computation
category theoryThe Frame Problem and the Semantics of Classical Proofs
chess problemThe chess example in Turing's Mind paper is really about ambiguity
Church-Tuirng HypothesisA Note on Turing’s Three Pioneering Initiatives and on Their Interplays
classical logicThe Frame Problem and the Semantics of Classical Proofs
ClassificationTowards an Information-Theoretic Approach to Population Structure
clichéThe Soul of a New Cliché: Conventions and Meta-Conventions in the Creative Linguistic Variation of Familiar Forms
Coalgebraic BisimulationUnifying Equivalences for Timed Transition Systems
completenessComputational Completeness of Interaction Machines and Turing Machines
computabilityWhat kind of machine is the mind?
A Note on Turing’s Three Pioneering Initiatives and on Their Interplays
computationComputational Completeness of Interaction Machines and Turing Machines
ComputationalismWhat kind of machine is the mind?
computer chessOn the Impact of Information Technologies on Society: an Historical Perspective through the Game of Chess
computer science historyOn the Impact of Information Technologies on Society: an Historical Perspective through the Game of Chess
concurrency modelsThe Glory of the Past and Geometrical Concurrency
CryptographySecure Communication over Zero-Private Capacity Quantum Channels
data privacyLogic, Probability, and Privacy: A Framework for Specifying Privacy Requirements
Data ReliabilityFeature Selection Ensemble
DavisTuring's Influence on Programming
Description LogicTowards an Expressive Practical Logical Action Theory
digital ontologyThe Info-Computation Turn in Physics
Digital physicsThe Info-Computation Turn in Physics
DIME Network ArchitectureThe Turing O-Machine and the DIME Network Architecture: Injecting the Architectural Resiliency into Distributed Computing
distributed computingThe Turing O-Machine and the DIME Network Architecture: Injecting the Architectural Resiliency into Distributed Computing
DNA nanotechnologyMolecular computations with competitive neural networks that exploit linear and nonlinear kinetics
EnsembleFeature Selection Ensemble
Ensemble ConstructionFeature Selection Ensemble
enzymesMolecular computations with competitive neural networks that exploit linear and nonlinear kinetics
Execution-based computation formalismsGeneralizations of Rice's Theorem, Applicable to Executable and Non-Executable Formalisms
Expedite the Canonical Labeling SearchGraph Symmetry Detection and Canonical Labeling: Differences and Synergies
explicit inductionA Unified View of Induction Reasoning for First-Order Logic
expressivenessThe Glory of the Past and Geometrical Concurrency
Computational Completeness of Interaction Machines and Turing Machines
FCAPSThe Turing O-Machine and the DIME Network Architecture: Injecting the Architectural Resiliency into Distributed Computing
feature selectionFeature Selection Ensemble
firing patternTuring Incomputable Computation
frame problemThe Frame Problem and the Semantics of Classical Proofs
functionalismWhat kind of machine is the mind?
game theoryTuring Tests with Turing Machines
generalized Rice theoremGeneralizations of Rice's Theorem, Applicable to Executable and Non-Executable Formalisms
Graph Canonical LabelingGraph Symmetry Detection and Canonical Labeling: Differences and Synergies
Graph Symmetry DetectionGraph Symmetry Detection and Canonical Labeling: Differences and Synergies
Halting TheoremGeneralizations of Rice's Theorem, Applicable to Executable and Non-Executable Formalisms
Harmony SearchFeature Selection Ensemble
hereditary history preserving bisimulationThe Glory of the Past and Geometrical Concurrency
higher dimensional automataThe Glory of the Past and Geometrical Concurrency
higher dimensional modal logicThe Glory of the Past and Geometrical Concurrency
historyTuring's Influence on Programming
history of scienceThe Info-Computation Turn in Physics
Hoare logicUtilizing Hoare Logic to Strengthen Testing for Error Detection in Programs
human unpredictabilityTuring Tests with Turing Machines
hybrid logicLogic, Probability, and Privacy: A Framework for Specifying Privacy Requirements
hyperarithmetical setsAlternating Turing machines and the analytical hierarchy
hypercomputationTuring Incomputable Computation
imitation gamesTuring Tests with Turing Machines
implicit inductionA Unified View of Induction Reasoning for First-Order Logic
incomputableTuring Incomputable Computation
induction theorem provingA Unified View of Induction Reasoning for First-Order Logic
Information SystemsLogic, Probability, and Privacy: A Framework for Specifying Privacy Requirements
information theoryTowards an Information-Theoretic Approach to Population Structure
informativeness for assignmentTowards an Information-Theoretic Approach to Population Structure
intelligenceTuring Tests with Turing Machines
Interaction machineComputational Completeness of Interaction Machines and Turing Machines
Kolmogorov complexityOn Natural Representations of Objects
languageThe Soul of a New Cliché: Conventions and Meta-Conventions in the Creative Linguistic Variation of Familiar Forms
learningTuring Tests with Turing Machines
level setTuring Incomputable Computation
linguistic creativityThe Soul of a New Cliché: Conventions and Meta-Conventions in the Creative Linguistic Variation of Familiar Forms
Linguistic normsThe Soul of a New Cliché: Conventions and Meta-Conventions in the Creative Linguistic Variation of Familiar Forms
linguisticsThe Soul of a New Cliché: Conventions and Meta-Conventions in the Creative Linguistic Variation of Familiar Forms
logicTuring's Influence on Programming
logics for reasoning about actionsTowards an Expressive Practical Logical Action Theory
matching penniesTuring Tests with Turing Machines
meaningful informationOn Natural Representations of Objects
metabolic machineComputing with Metabolic Machines
Mind as machineWhat kind of machine is the mind?
modal logicThe Frame Problem and the Semantics of Classical Proofs
models of computationUltrametric automata and Turing machines
morphogenesisA Note on Turing’s Three Pioneering Initiatives and on Their Interplays
Nash equilibriumComputing Nash Equilibria of Unbounded Games
natural computingA Note on Turing’s Three Pioneering Initiatives and on Their Interplays
Natural representationOn Natural Representations of Objects
neural networksMolecular computations with competitive neural networks that exploit linear and nonlinear kinetics
nonlinear kineticsMolecular computations with competitive neural networks that exploit linear and nonlinear kinetics
Open Maps BisimulationUnifying Equivalences for Timed Transition Systems
oracle machineThe Turing O-Machine and the DIME Network Architecture: Injecting the Architectural Resiliency into Distributed Computing
p-adic numbersUltrametric automata and Turing machines
Pan-computationalismThe Info-Computation Turn in Physics
Pareto optimalityComputing with Metabolic Machines
past modalitiesThe Glory of the Past and Geometrical Concurrency
Path BisimulationUnifying Equivalences for Timed Transition Systems
Petri netVector Addition Systems Reachability Problem (A Simpler Solution)
Philosophy of AIWhat kind of machine is the mind?
philosophy of scienceThe Info-Computation Turn in Physics
polaractivationSecure Communication over Zero-Private Capacity Quantum Channels
population divergenceTowards an Information-Theoretic Approach to Population Structure
positive and negative randomnessOn Natural Representations of Objects
Presburger arithmeticVector Addition Systems Reachability Problem (A Simpler Solution)
private quantum communicationSecure Communication over Zero-Private Capacity Quantum Channels
probabilistic algorithmsUltrametric automata and Turing machines
probabilistic logicLogic, Probability, and Privacy: A Framework for Specifying Privacy Requirements
program analysisUtilizing Hoare Logic to Strengthen Testing for Error Detection in Programs
programmingTuring's Influence on Programming
progressionTowards an Expressive Practical Logical Action Theory
proof theoryThe Frame Problem and the Semantics of Classical Proofs
quantum communicationsOn the Mathematical Boundaries of Communication with Zero-Capacity Quantum Channels
quantum cryptographySecure Communication over Zero-Private Capacity Quantum Channels
quantum entanglementOn the Mathematical Boundaries of Communication with Zero-Capacity Quantum Channels
quantum informationOn the Mathematical Boundaries of Communication with Zero-Capacity Quantum Channels
quantum logicThe computing power of Turing machine based on quantum logic
quantum randomTuring Incomputable Computation
reachability problemVector Addition Systems Reachability Problem (A Simpler Solution)
RegressionTowards an Expressive Practical Logical Action Theory
Reiter's Basic action theoriesTowards an Expressive Practical Logical Action Theory
scientific revolutionThe Info-Computation Turn in Physics
selection functionsComputing Nash Equilibria of Unbounded Games
Sensitive and Fragile Biological CircuitsComputing with Metabolic Machines
Sensitivity and Robustness AnalysisComputing with Metabolic Machines
Situation CalculusTowards an Expressive Practical Logical Action Theory
social impact of information technologyOn the Impact of Information Technologies on Society: an Historical Perspective through the Game of Chess
software testingUtilizing Hoare Logic to Strengthen Testing for Error Detection in Programs
Solomonoff-Kolmogorov complexityTuring Tests with Turing Machines
Specification-based computation formalismsGeneralizations of Rice's Theorem, Applicable to Executable and Non-Executable Formalisms
specification-based testingUtilizing Hoare Logic to Strengthen Testing for Error Detection in Programs
ST-configuration structuresThe Glory of the Past and Geometrical Concurrency
stereotypesThe Soul of a New Cliché: Conventions and Meta-Conventions in the Creative Linguistic Variation of Familiar Forms
styles of reasoningThe Info-Computation Turn in Physics
subgame optimal equilibriumComputing Nash Equilibria of Unbounded Games
super-Turing computational powerThe computing power of Turing machine based on quantum logic
the analytical hierarchyAlternating Turing machines and the analytical hierarchy
the projection problemTowards an Expressive Practical Logical Action Theory
timeTuring Incomputable Computation
timed transition systemUnifying Equivalences for Timed Transition Systems
TuringTuring's Influence on Programming
Turing machineTuring Incomputable Computation
Turing Tests with Turing Machines
A Note on Turing’s Three Pioneering Initiatives and on Their Interplays
The Turing O-Machine and the DIME Network Architecture: Injecting the Architectural Resiliency into Distributed Computing
The computing power of Turing machine based on quantum logic
Computational Completeness of Interaction Machines and Turing Machines
Turing TestThe chess example in Turing's Mind paper is really about ambiguity
Turing Tests with Turing Machines
A Note on Turing’s Three Pioneering Initiatives and on Their Interplays
VASVector Addition Systems Reachability Problem (A Simpler Solution)
WebThe Soul of a New Cliché: Conventions and Meta-Conventions in the Creative Linguistic Variation of Familiar Forms